👋 I'm Jack

An experienced kotlin and full-stack web developer

👩🏽‍💻 About Me

Hi, I'm Jack, a versatile software developer with 5+ years of freelancing experience. Proficient in full-stack web app development, Discord bot creation, Minecraft plugin design, and linux system administration. Experience both working within and leading teams. Comfortable in multiple programming languages and frameworks, and can quickly adapt to new technologies.

developer at a laptop programming

🔨 Skills

Java - 5+ years of experience, used to make Minecraft plugins and mods

Kotlin - 4+ years of experience, used to create Minecraft plugins, discord bots and web applications

Python - used for automation scripts and discord bots

Frontend languages such as HTML and CSS and frameworks like React and Vue.js

Systems Administration and Linux commandline

Git SCM and the GitHub workflow

Both SQL and NoSQL database systems

Proficient using commercial Jetbrains tools

Jenkins and similar CI solutions

Maven / Gradle build automation tools

📁 Projects

Below is a selective list of my most notable projects that I have recently completed. I almost always have a project on the go and have many other projects that I will happily provide if needed.

HackerRank logo

Coding ChallengesJune 2021-Present

Good problem solving skills are fundamental for any successful developer. My repository of coding challenges from sites such as HackerRank show my capability to code efficient and logical solutions to complex problems.

EU Roam Events logo

EU Roam EventsApril 2021-November 2021

Whilst working with EURE, I provided system administration for their event servers and developed a discord bot to automate their weekly events. This included discord-steam linking, team management and automatic server whitelisting. I also developed a web app and rust plugin for live leaderboards and bot control.

Anime World logo

Anime WorldJanuary 2021

Anime World is an upcoming Minecraft RPG server which I worked with to develop equipable titles and a player job system with tasks that could be completed to earn money.

Manhunt logo

ManhuntOctober 2020

Manhunt is a plugin which recreates Dream's manhunt series. The project consisted of a Bungeecord plugin for lobby and player management and a Spigot plugin to implement gameplay.

Minecraft iron bar

MC Rivals PrisonAugust 2020

A fully custom prison experience made with quests, custom enchants and personal mines. This project was coded in a team of two and built on my collaborative and communication skills.

Minecraft hopper

Custom HoppersSeptember 2019

An upgradable hopper system with faster extraction rates that can suck up items in a region and includes remote inventory support that can whitelist / blacklist items.

Facepunch Rust logo


Spigot remake of the game Rust by Facepunch Studios. Includes key features such as guns, clans, custom crafting, resource nodes, radiation zones all provided in vanilla Minecraft through a resource pack.

💬 Testimonials